The Tamora Pierce! Role Playing Club Official Webpage

Welcome everyone to the official webpage.


There are new elections being held! Recently, the three people who held the positions of Prime Minister, Director, and one of the First Scholars have had to resign, due to personal problems. New elections are being held! You can go to the Tortall and Circle boards for more information, or e-mail Cait.

There are three main sections of the webpage: The Character Profiles, Information and Rules, and the main page. There are also links to the archives, which is where stories written about characters are located. Another link that can be found is a link to Tamora Pierce's website.

Besides this webpage, this club also uses two AOL messages boards, and an AOL chat room. To become a member, you only need an interest in the works of Tamora Pierce, and an AOL account. To join, Email Lauri ([email protected]) and ask for a Welcome Letter. ONLY ask from an AOL account, please!

Message Boards: Tortall and Circle for AOL users, Tamora Pierce for internet.

The message boards are almost always open for posting. The Tortall board deals mostly with on topic postings, such as events with characters, books set in Tortall, and officer announcements, among other various subjects. The Circle board is used for mostly personal life postings and discussion of books set in Winding Circle.

Chat Room: Corus in Tortall

Normal Chat times are 5 PM Pacific Time Fridays and Saturdays.

Roleplaying times are 6 PM Pacific Time Fridays and Saturdays.

Where would you like to go now?

This page is mantained by Sara